Banner Bahamas

100 Dollars

Issuing authority: Central Bank of the Bahamas

Original size: 156 x 67 mm

BS - B355

© Banknote design copyright by the Central Bank of the Bahamas

Deutsch Englisch

Vorderseite: Landkarte der Bahamas; Blüte des Flammenbaumes (Delonix regia); Porträt des Poli­tikers Arthur Dion Hanna (1928-2021).
Rückseite: Wappen der Bahamas; Blauer Marlin (Makaira nigricans); Fische.

Front side: Map of the Bahamas; Royal poinciana flower (Delonix regia); Portrait of Bahamian politician Arthur Dion Hanna (1928-2021).
Back side: Coat of arms of the Bahamas; Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans); Fish.


Dated 2021.
Signature of John A. Rolle (as GOVERNOR). Portrait of A.D. Hanna and electrotype 100 as watermark. Motion windowed security thread on the back side. Sand dollar as registration device. Golden SPARKSPARK is a security element based on optical variable magnetic ink. element (nautilus) on the front side. One black horizontal and one red vertical 7-digit serial number on the front side. Both have a single letter prefix and digits of the same size. Printed by the Canadian Bank Note Company on composite substrate.


Introduced on 6. October 2021.