Banner Bahamas

10 Dollars

Issuing authority: Central Bank of the Bahamas

Original size: 156 x 67 mm

BS - B352

© Banknote design copyright by the Central Bank of the Bahamas

Deutsch Englisch

Vorderseite: Landkarte der Bahamas; Gelbe Trompetenblume (Tecoma stans); Porträt des Ökonomen und ehemaligen Finanzministers Sir Stafford Lofthouse Sands (1913-1972).
Rückseite: Wappen der Bahamas; Leuchtturm bei Hopetown auf den zu den Bahamas gehörenden Abaco-Inseln; Flamingos.

Front side: Map of the Bahamas; Yellow trumpetbush (Tecoma stans); Portrait of the economist and former Minister of Finance Sir Stafford Lofthouse Sands (1913-1972).
Back side: Coat of arms of the Bahamas; Lighthouse near Hopetown on the Abaco Islands belonging to the Bahamas; Flamingos.


Dated 2020.
Signature of Wendy Craigg (as GOVERNOR). Portrait of Sir S.L. Sands, electrotype 10 and cornerstones as watermark. Active windowed security thread with demetalized text and sand dollar on the back side. Sand dollar as registration device. Green SPARKSPARK is a security element based on optical variable magnetic ink. element (butterfly) on the front side. One black horizontal and one red vertical 7-digit serial number on the front side. Both have a single letter prefix and digits of increasing size. Printed by De La Rue, United Kingdom.


Introduced on 28. September 2016.