20.000 Drams
Issuing authority: Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia
Original size: 150 x 72 mm
AM - B323
© Banknote design copyright by the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia
Vorderseite: Porträt des russisch-armenischen Malers Hovhannes Aivazian (1817-1900), russisch Iwan Aiwazowski;
Landschaftsbilder von Aiwazian; Segelschiff und Gebirgslandschaft im Hintergrund. |
Front side: Portrait of the Russian-Armenian painter Hovhannes Aivazian (1817-1900), rus. Ivan Aivazovsky;
Landscapes painted by Aivazian; Sailing ship and mountaineous landscape in the background. |
Remarks |
Introduced on 22. November 2018. |