Banner Hong Kong

500 Dollars

Issuing authority: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

Original size: 158 x 79 mm


© Banknote design copyright by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.

Deutsch Englisch

Vorderseite: Bankgebäude der Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) in Hongkong; Löwenkopf (vor den Eingängen etlicher Zentralen und Filialien der HSBC stehen zwei Löwenstatuen. Sie sind inzwischen zu einem Markenzeichen der Bank geworden).
Rückseite: Vögel im Flug; Hexagonale Säulen aus Vulkangestein im Geopark in Hongkong; Wanderer; Logo der HSBC.

Front side: Building of the HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) in Hong Kong; Lions head (Various headquarters and branches of the HSBC have a pair of lion sculptures at their entrances. These HSBC-lions have become hallmarks of the Bank.
Back side: Birds in flight; Hexagonal volcanic columns in Hong Kong Geopark; Hikers; HBSC logo.



Dated 1. JANUARY 2018.
Signature of Peter WongSignature of P. Wong (as CHIEF EXECUTIVE). Bauhinia blossom and electrotype 500 as watermark. Windowed GALAXYMachine readable thread with dynamic 3D color shift effects. (Saturn) security thread with hexagonal columns and denomination on the front side. Denomination (500) as registration device. Green SPARK SPARK is a security element based on optical variable magnetic ink. Live element (hexagonal columns) on the front side. One horizontal and one vertical black 6-digit serial number with a double letter prefix on the front side. Both serial numbers have digits of the same size. Printed by the Hong Kong Note Printing Ltd.


Introduced on 23. January 2019.