Banner Bosnia

1 Konvertibilna Marka

Issuing authority: Centralna Banka Bosne i Hercegovine

Original size: 120 x 60 mm

BA - B204

© Banknote design copyright by the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Deutsch Englisch

Vorderseite: Porträt des jugoslawischen Schriftstellers und Literaturnobelpreisträgers von 1961 Ivan (Ivo) Andrić (1892-1975).
Rückseite: Steinbrücke (Mehmed-Pascha-Sokolovitsch-Brücke) über die Drina in Višegrad, UNESO Weltkulturerbe seit 2007.

Front side: Portrait of the Yugoslav novelist and 1961 Nobel Laureate in literature Ivan (Ivo) Andrić (1892-1975).
Back side: Stone bridge (Mehmed Pasha Sokolovich bridge) over the river Drina in Višegrad, belonging to the UNESCO World Heritage list since 2007.


Not dated.
Signature of Peter Nicholl (as GUVERNER). Bosnian Central Bank's monogram as watermark. Solid security thread with demetalized text. Diamond as registration device. Two horizontal black 7-digit serial numbers with single letter prefix and digits of the same size on the front side. Printed by François-Charles Oberthur, France.


Serbian version. Because of a typing error - the name of Andrić is misspelled АНДРИЂ instead of АНДРИЋ, these notes were almost immediately withdrawn after introduction.
Please refer to B203 for the Croat-Bosniac version, which has the Latin text printed above the Cyrillic text.