1 Konvertibilna Marka
Issuing authority: Centralna Banka Bosne i Hercegovine
Original size: 120 x 60 mm
BA - B204
© Banknote design copyright by the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vorderseite: Porträt des jugoslawischen Schriftstellers und Literaturnobelpreisträgers von 1961 Ivan
(Ivo) Andrić (1892-1975). |
Front side: Portrait of the Yugoslav novelist and 1961 Nobel Laureate in literature Ivan (Ivo) Andrić
(1892-1975). |
Remarks |
Serbian version. Because of a typing error - the name of Andrić is misspelled АНДРИЂ instead of
АНДРИЋ, these notes were almost immediately withdrawn after introduction. |